Hash House Harriers

The Hash House Harriers (abbreviated to HHH, H3, or referred to simply as hashing) is an international group of non-competitive running, social clubs. An event organized by a club is known as a hash or hash run, with participants calling themselves hashers or hares and hounds.

Thursday, January 08, 2015


What is the different between a woman in church and a woman in a bathtub?

A woman in church has got a soul full of hope and a woman in a bathtub has got a hole full of soap.


The sad life of a penis, 1 only have 1 eye, my hair is a mess, my skin is wrinkly, my relatives are nuts, my neighbour is an asshole and my friends are suckers.


A penis is a gentleman, when it sees a lady, it stands.
It is also a gossiper, it goes from mouth to mouth.
It’s an artist too, after every performance it bows.


What do you get when you make love with a judge, banker and an architect?
Judge       -    Honourable discharge
Banker     -    Premature withdrawal
Architect  -    Illegal erection


A very attractive female employee asks her boss, Sir, will you remove something from my breasts?
Boss :  Wow, what’s that?
Lady:   Your eyes, Sir.


Teacher : What is common between Indra Ghandi and Sonia Ghandi?
Student  : Sir, nipples of both had been sucked by Rajiv Ghandi.


Naughty boy draws a PENIS on the blackboard.
Lady teacher rubs it off. Next day he draws bigger one and writes: THE MORE YOU RUB, THE LARGER IT GETS!


A British aged 90 married a 16 year-old girl. He had a baby every year and said that his engine was turbo. When 5th baby was born, nurse said ”Check engine oil, baby is black!


Widow       : No sex coz I’m still mouring my husband’s death.
Boyfriend   : I’ve worn a black condom, let me offer my deepest condolences.


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