这也是若干年的旧照片,昨天Bukit Wang跑程,让我们大家不期然又回想失踪多年的野兔King Kong。他曾经是亚罗士打野兔成员之一,在我们决裂当儿,他曾经在Tongkat Ali的酒廊闹事。
直到2005年7月13日,被1名采藤村民发现,初步鉴定有关服饰是King Kong失踪当天所穿的衣着。
King Kong, 你到底在何处?死了吗?
was born in August 1977 with lots of enthusiasm but little understanding. It was delivered by Dr Govindan Kutty assisted by Foo Leow Pin, both ex-hashmen of Baling3H. A jogging club that meets in and runs in the jungle every Saturday 6pm. 亚罗士打野兔俱乐部成立于1977年,发起人是来至华玲野兔俱乐部的高赢德古地与傅亮炳,每逢星期六傍晚六时会在吉打州森林攀山越岭,是一个以欢乐性质为主的鬼马跑步会,目前拥有63位会员。
Hash House Harriers
The Hash House Harriers (abbreviated to HHH, H3, or referred to simply as hashing) is an international group of non-competitive running, social clubs. An event organized by a club is known as a hash or hash run, with participants calling themselves hashers or hares and hounds.