The 31st AGM will be held on 05-03-2010 at Anggerik Restautan, at 2000.
Make it your resolution to attend the AGM. On! on!
Membership approved for the following guest:
Chiam Kooi Keat @ Cheh Meh
Choo Kok Liang @ Tai Yee Long
was born in August 1977 with lots of enthusiasm but little understanding. It was delivered by Dr Govindan Kutty assisted by Foo Leow Pin, both ex-hashmen of Baling3H. A jogging club that meets in and runs in the jungle every Saturday 6pm. 亚罗士打野兔俱乐部成立于1977年,发起人是来至华玲野兔俱乐部的高赢德古地与傅亮炳,每逢星期六傍晚六时会在吉打州森林攀山越岭,是一个以欢乐性质为主的鬼马跑步会,目前拥有63位会员。