Hash House Harriers

The Hash House Harriers (abbreviated to HHH, H3, or referred to simply as hashing) is an international group of non-competitive running, social clubs. An event organized by a club is known as a hash or hash run, with participants calling themselves hashers or hares and hounds.

Friday, September 30, 2005


We hereby extend our invitation to all fellow hashers to celebrate our 28th Anniversary Run with us on 15 October 2005.

We would like to take this golden opportunity to extend our warmest invitation to all hashers to join us on this special occasion.

The run will be for all BATANG hashers and it will be FOC for those chapters who have given us FOC during their celebration, and a levy of RM50.00 will be charged to the other chapters who have charged us during their celebration runs.

DATE : 15 OCTOBER 2005