Hash House Harriers

The Hash House Harriers (abbreviated to HHH, H3, or referred to simply as hashing) is an international group of non-competitive running, social clubs. An event organized by a club is known as a hash or hash run, with participants calling themselves hashers or hares and hounds.

Sunday, July 28, 2013


 DATE                     :   6 – 7 September 2013

VENUE                   :   SONGKLA, THAILAND

LEVY                      :   Members and their immediate family will be charged  RM250 per person. Inclusive of Transport, Accomodation, 1 Breakfast,                    2 Lunches,
                                      1 Buffet Dinner and Sightseeing.

                                 :    Children who are 5-9 years old will be charged RM145. Children above 10 years old will be charged adult’s rate.

                                 :    Non immediate family members will be charged RM250 per person and an additional RM75 per person for buffet dinner and drinks (soft & beer).

REGISTRATION  :   O.C.      :              Loh Lan
            A.O.C.  :              Sok Lan

CLOSING DATE  :   31 JULY 2013

NOTE                      :   Those wishing to drive on their own will also have to register with the OC / AOC.
                                 :   Those who register and do not turn up will be FINED RM50.00 per head.
                                 :    Border Documents – Personal

                                 :    Payment should be made to the Hash Cash latest by 31 July 2013

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