Hash House Harriers

The Hash House Harriers (abbreviated to HHH, H3, or referred to simply as hashing) is an international group of non-competitive running, social clubs. An event organized by a club is known as a hash or hash run, with participants calling themselves hashers or hares and hounds.

Monday, December 01, 2014


The AS3H Mangement Committee has decided that if a members son / daughter’s wedding dinner falls on a Saturday, the run for the particular week will be held on FRIDAY.


RUN 1943                           06-12-2014                          ON! ON !  6.00 P.M. 

Hares                                    Pow, Pai Kut Ong & Loh Kong Kek

Runsite                                 POKOK SENA

Drinking Water                    Sayor Meng

Soft Drinks                          Bengkok

Ice & Jerrycan                      Lancheow Poay
Record Balance
Drinks/Environment            Sibak / Hares

RUN 1944                           12-12-2014                          ON! ON !  6.00 P.M. 


Hares                                    Lan Cheow Poay, Sayor Meng & Bengkok

Runsite                                 WATT SIAM DARULAMAN

Drinking Water                    Hantu Pasaraya

Soft Drinks                          Lubang Hidup

Ice & Jerrycan                      Lai Guek Keng

Record Balance
Drinks/Environment            Seh Moh/ Hares

RUN 1945                           20-12-2014                          ON! ON !  6.00 P.M. 

Hares                                    Lubang Hidup, Hantu Pasaraya & Lai Guek Keng

Runsite                                 BUKIT WANG

Drinking Water                    Kuan Kong

Soft Drinks                          Chuni Walker

Ice & Jerrycan                      Siput

Record Balance
Drinks/Environment            Kan Kay Tiong / Hares

RUN 1946                                 27-12-2014                                            ON! ON !  6.00P.M. 

Hares                                          Chuni Walker, Siput & Kuan Kong

Runsite                                       POKOK SENA

Drinking Water                          Jilat Yong

Soft Drinks                                Sok Lan

Ice & Jerrycan                            Loh Lan

Record Balance
Drinks/Environment                   Luan Chu Lai / Hares


Ÿ   Tit’s Ooi was put on ice for failing to be present when the ON! ON! Was sounded at RUN 1938 at the Family Run at Sentosa Villa Resort, Taiping.

Ÿ   Loh Lan, Timun, Hantu Pasaraya and Luan Chu Lai were put on ice for not being on the hash trail at RUN 1938 at Sentosa Villa Resort, Taiping.

Ÿ   Seh Moh, Sibak, Sok Lan and Luan Chu Lai were put on ice at RUN 1938 for organizing the excellent Family Run at Sentosa Villa Resort, Taiping.

Ÿ   Sabun, Kan Kay Tiong and Chew Cheng Kay were put on ice at RUN 1938 for their hard labour in organizing the Treasurer Hunt for the Family Run.

Ÿ   Sardine was put on ice for failing to call the hash anthem before closing the ’circle’ at RUN 1938 at Sentosa Villa Resort, Taiping.


Lew Ah Fah’s membership has been terminated w.e.f. 24 November 2014 for failing to settle his outstanding dues. His dues has been written off as bad debts.