Hash House Harriers

The Hash House Harriers (abbreviated to HHH, H3, or referred to simply as hashing) is an international group of non-competitive running, social clubs. An event organized by a club is known as a hash or hash run, with participants calling themselves hashers or hares and hounds.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Wedding Invitation

All the AS3H members are invited to the following wedding dinner.

1. Dragon only daughter wedding on 22-09-2012 (Saturday), at Starcity Hotel, at 7.30pm.

2. Ah Kua's eldest daughter wedding on 22-09-2012 (Saturday), at Restoran Huatang Sdn. Bhd. , at 7.30pm.

3. Chuni Walker's third son wedding on 29-09-2012 (Saturday), at  Keat Hwa Independent Scholl Hall, ALor Setar, at 7.30pm.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Circular 09/2012

Run 1827  25-08-2012  ON! ON! - 6.00P.M.
Hares  Cheh Meh, Seh Moh & Shim
Drinking Water  Sayur Meng
Soft Drinks  Low Tulang
Ice & Jerrycan  Jiu Kui


Run 1828  01-09-2012  ON! ON! - 6.00P.M.
Hares   Sayur Meng, Low Tulang & Jiu Kui
Drinking Water  Guitar
Soft Drinks  Lu Kok Seng
Ice & Jerrycan  Kia Sia Hua


Run 1829  08-09-2012  ON! ON! - 6.00P.M.
Hares  Guitar, Lu Kok Seng & Kia Si Hua
Runsite  YAN KECIL
Drinking Water  Lan Cheow Poay
Soft Drinks  Monkey
Ice & Jerrycan  Lai Ang


Run 1830  15-09-2012  ON! ON! - 6.00P.M.
Hares  Lan Cheow Poay, Monkey & Lai Ang
Drinking Water  Tua Pui Tu
Soft Drinks  Siam Huat
Ice & Jerrycan  Tokong Sayur 2


Run 1831  21-09-2012  ON! ON! - 6.00P.M.
Hares  Tua Pui Tu, Siam Huat & Tokong Sayur 2
Runsite  MALAU
Drinking Water Dr Pow
Soft Drinks  Susu
Ice & Jerrycan  Sotong

Run 1832  28-09-2012  ON! ON! - 6.00P.M.
Runsite  29, Taman Berjaya, Jalan Pegawai
Hares + Drinking Water + Soft Drinks + Ice & Jerrycan = Committee


Run 1833  29-09-2012  ON! ON! - 6.00P.M.
Hares  Dr Pow
Runsite  Pokok Sena
Drinking Water  Ang Mor Kia
Soft Drinks  Jilat Yong
Ice & Jerrycan  Ikan Puyu

Hash Fine

Kua Cha Pang was FINED 1 crate of beer and had to sit on ice for stand on the icebin at RUN 1825, on 4-8-2012 at Pokok Sena.

He donated one (1) crate of beer to the club, on! on!

Sunday, August 12, 2012

on Ice

sabun give wrongly information about run site at face book, he put on ice for the error, on! on!