Hash House Harriers

The Hash House Harriers (abbreviated to HHH, H3, or referred to simply as hashing) is an international group of non-competitive running, social clubs. An event organized by a club is known as a hash or hash run, with participants calling themselves hashers or hares and hounds.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Circular 02/2011

ON!ON!- 6:00P.M.

RUN 1747 05/02/2011
Hares Chew Cheng, Loh Lan & Hock Chai

RUN 1748 12/02/2011 ON!ON!-6:00P.M.
Chinese New Year Do
Pokok Sena

RUN 1749 19/02/2011
Tits Ooi, Dragon & Ding Dong

RUN 1750 26/02/2011
Lai Ang, Bangkali Kia & Monkey
Bukit Wang